Everycontractor.com connecting millions of residential and commercial customers with professionals worldwide... since 1998
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How It Works for Consumers
Each of our 915 industry-specific categories includes a quick set of questions that will help us match you to the ideal contractor or service professional for your needs.
For the Consumer: We work for you at no charge, with no hidden fees, ever!

Here’s how it works.

At EveryContractor, our top priority is meeting the needs of consumer – that is, the person seeking an expert in home or commercial building, repair, improvements and remodeling.

EveryContractor consumers include: homeowners, property owners and developers, real estate agents, insurance companies, and even general contractors who are seeking reliable, skilled subcontractors.

We provide answers to your toughest questions and provide guidance about which contractor or service professional will best meet your needs. When you are seeking a service provider, we offer three ways to match you with the right expert:

1. You can call us – we’re here 24 hours a day, and our call centers are all located in the U.S. – on our toll-free number, (800) 333-4050. You’ll speak to a friendly and helpful associate who will begin the process of finding the best contractor for your needs, your timeframe, and your budget.

2. You can make your request via our website. It just takes a few minutes to begin the matching process.

3. You can speak to our job coordinators in person at a trade show show in your area.

The information that you provide helps us find the best match for the job that you have in mind, and we will make the match quickly for you. We respect your privacy and will use the information that you provide only for matching purposes.

Our goal is to take the headache and worry out of the contractor selection process. We respect your time and we understand how important it is to choose the best contractor or service provider for your specific project. We look forward to serving you!

To learn more about how EveryContractor works for you, please visit our FAQ page. Our #1 goal is to make your contractor selection process seamless.

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