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Stonemasonry has one of the longest histories of any construction-related trade. Today, masonry work can include brick, stone, marble, concrete blocks or even glass. When you are considering masonry work of any type, begin here with our informative articles and expert advice. <<<
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Q. I have been a stone mason for the past 15 years. The house I am currently working on was torn down and rebuilt around existing fireplace and chimney. The owners then had the roof replaced in 30 below weather in Northern Minnesota. Also the roof is in the middle of an 8-12 pitch on a steel roof. Both sides have been valleyed. When I first showed up on the job one side was 12inches lower towards the chimney than the 8-12 pitch. This was later raised by the contractor who then skipped town. I was hired to tuckpoint chimney and fireplace. I also replaced a piece of z flashing that was not properly installed with z flashing, lanax caulking and rubber washer screws. Then I applied Thompson Water Proof 1 week after tuckpointing to entire chimney. They are still experiencing a leak at the top right hand corner of in side fire place. My belief is that it is caused by the improper installation of the roof and the leak is originating at some point on roof and speeping into chimney. Please get back to me with any opinions or comments on this matter. I would like to make certain that I have done all I can do.
-Kris Pierre, International Falls, MN
A. Hi Kris, It sounds like the problem is not the masonry work, but the connection between the chimney and the roof itself. There are a few areas I would recommend checking. First -- and this should be the quickest to check -- I would make sure that the chimney crown has not cracked. Next, make sure that the counterflashing meets the brick mortar securely, with not even the tiniest crack or break. If you see any break, crack or rust, this should be repaired with metal flashing, not caulk. Let us know what you find! Best regards.
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